Unlock the power of your psychedelic experience

Psychedelic Integration Coaching is holistic support designed to leverage your psychedelic experience and its benefits.* This method will help you make sense of your journey, crystalize what it all means to you, and help you embrace how you can use this new knowledge to create positive change in your life.


Experience Psychedelic Integration with energy healer, Eric Russell

Your psychedelic journey shouldn’t be a lonely one.

You’ve experimented with plant medicine and now you’re wondering, what’s next?

Are you feeling uncertain about how to untangle the visions, ideas, and emotions you received? Are you  wondering how to unpack  it all, and who you can share your transcendent experience with? 

If you haven’t been able to talk about your trip, you likely haven’t fully reaped the benefits. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate this alone, and it’s never too late to work through your psychedelic experience, no matter how recent or long ago the experience was!

Eric Russell | Certified Energy Healer


My transformative Psychedelic Integration Coaching provides a compassionate, supportive presence, in a safe and confidential space. This process can empower you to:

  • Access the inner workings of your subconsciousness in new ways

  • Grow by decoding the lessons and insights that arose during your trip

  • Incorporate lessons learned into your everyday life 

  • Set goals based on your newly unlocked insights about yourself

  • Transform your limiting beliefs into self-love, and take action! 

  • Enhance your creativity, curiosity, and wonder

  • Prevent burnout and the limitations it imposes on you 

Enlightened Client Experience

“Before my psychedelic experience, I was struggling with a lack of direction on two critical pathways in my life: One was in planning my next major career milestones; the other was in discovering how to meaningfully harness my creative energy in my day-to-day life.

With Eric’s support, one of the major takeaways from my experience was realizing how consistently integrating mindfulness can be a powerful tool to guide oneself toward one’s goals and define the pathway to them.

Eric created an environment in which I felt completely safe and comfortable to process and integrate. His guidance was critical in helping me make real progress on my intentions and goals.

I would highly recommend Eric.”

-Logan S.

What could Psychedelic Integration Coaching look like?

In addition to unraveling your experience and how it relates to your life, your Psychedelic Integration Coaching session may include discussing ways to ground yourself today with appropriate self-care. I also offer clients the opportunity to discuss  grounding and support methods you can use during and after a future psychedelic experience.

Because every individual and psychedelic experience differs, you can expect a personalized approach with each session. Besides actively listening and helping you process your experience, I employ practices like meditation, journaling, or physical activity and stretching to meet you exactly where you are and help you explore in the way that works best for you. 


Eric Russell

HEY! I’m Eric.

Integrating my past plant medicine experiences have been the catalyst spurring me along my own transformative journey, opening doors in my mind and soul that were previously out of reach. I believe tapping into the power of psychedelic experiences, and I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. 

A growing body of research indicates that psychedelics could offer relief for conditions such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety. As part of a holistic approach, tapping into your experiences with psychedelics or plant medicines could also help enhance your inner growth, transcend barriers, unleash your creativity, and manifest your goals.

I am here to give you the support to make it happen.


Single Session: $225

One (1) 1-hour session to explore your past plant medicine experience and its meaning

Package of 3: $595

Three (3) 1-hour sessions to dive deeper into your journey and explore next steps

Package of 5: $895

Five (5) 1-hour sessions to work through challenges and apply insights to your life

*Please note: Psychedelic integration coaching is not a substitute for therapy or medical treatment for mental health conditions. I advise you to consult with a qualified therapist or licensed mental health specialist before starting a psychedelic integration program.