Experience a safe space for empathy and growth

Intuitive energy healer | Eric Russell

HEY! I’m Eric

As a transformational coach, I’m here to empower spiritually-curious professionals like you to become conscious entrepreneurs so that you can build your dream career.

You can hold the most prestigious, well-paying job in the world, but if it isn’t aligned with your heart, you’ll always feel that something is ‘missing’, limiting your sense of fulfillment and true happiness.

My coaching approach is distinct because of my PhD in psychology. My steeped knowledge in this discipline, enriched by my experience in meditation, energy healing, psychedelics, and mysticism, uniquely equips me to help you explore the most fundamental relationship you have: the one with yourself.

Once we’ve unearthed that insight, we’ll work together to shift your mindset and boost your self-confidence, enabling you to feel energized, vibrant, and enthusiastic about who you are and what you offer in your business.

My goal is to help you eliminate the barriers, fears, and limiting beliefs that have kept you from embracing your passions and becoming a magnetic coach, entrepreneur, and business owner. Together, we’ll create a new life for you where you’re empowered to create a vision for business that resonates with your soul and supports you full-time.



I believe that living in alignment with your highest truth and most authentic self is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.


 I foster a vibrant community in a supportive space where you can connect with others on the same journey you’re taking. 


I believe that tapping into your creativity can awaken endless insights, possibilities, and solutions!


I empower you to take control of your transformation journey with the tools, guidance, and support necessary to achieve your goals.


I value a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.


Transformational Life Coach | Eric Russell

From Tech Researcher to Transformational Coach

From a young age, I’ve felt a deep connection with spirituality and mysticism. I loved collecting crystals, attending metaphysical symposiums, and reading books about energy fields, famous psychics, and astrology. In parallel, I harbored a profound fascination with psychology, evolutionary science, and the intricacies of the human mind. These seemingly conflicting interests left me pondering my purpose and grappling with the vision of who I would actually become. 

I made a “practical” decision and ventured into the world of corporate America, where I became a user experience researcher in the tech industry. Here, I thought that I could create a fulfilling life using my educational background in psychology alone. Yet, true fulfillment continued to elude me. I faced repeated periods of burnout, stress, and discontent. I kept reassuring myself that things would improve, that I would find joy in my work, but deep down, I knew I was deceiving myself. Then came 2020, a year that ushered in great change. It was during this time that I became deeply connected with energy healing, meditation, and the transformative power of psychedelic plant medicines.

​​ This profound journey led me back to my authentic self, helping me understand the vital convergence of my spiritual and scientific sides, which was key to truly figuring out my life's purpose. Today, I'm fiercely devoted to aiding in the unveiling of your most authentic self, your life’s purpose, and ultimately growing into a sought-after coach and entrepreneur. Through the coaching program, Energized Entrepreneur, I’ll arm you with unwavering belief and confidence, and propel you towards building your dream business and attracting soul-mate clientele.

“I'm fiercely devoted to aiding in the unveiling of your most authentic self, your life’s purpose, and ultimately becoming a sought-after coach and entrepreneur.

Education and Certifications

  • Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Texas at Arlington

  • Certified Holistic Coach, Radiant Coaches Academy

  • Certified Metaphysical Coach, Radiant Coaches Academy

  • Certified Transformational Life Coach, Transformation Academy

  • Lightarian Reiki Master (Energy Healer and Teacher)

  • Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master

  • Certified Aura Colors Academy Practitioner

  • Navigating Psychedelics and Integration Certification, Psychedelics Today